Sunday 28 December 2008

Merry Christmas

I hope you all got what you needed from Santa (like the song says, "You can`t always get what you want" LOL) I know I did ; ) I`ve been very busy spending time with family, eating way too much, & not doing anything remotely`s hard to be creative when my craft table is buried under left-over Christmas wrapping & bits of ribbon LOL. I will tidy up tonight & I hope to have something to show for it tomorrow, but in the meantime, I`d like to thank Victoria from SBT50 for a lovely parcel that I received on the 24th just for being a newsletter subscriber (how generous is she?!) If you visit the site (just click on the link) & have a look in the home page, there`s lots happening, & don`t forget to visit the gallery as well, you`re sure to be inspired :) Thank you for your visit & I wish you all a very Happy & Safe New Year/ FELIZ AÑO NUEVO (I hope the Spanish speaking girls appreciate the thought, it took me FOREVER to work out how to insert the "Ñ" LOL. But now I know so look out :)


Maramco said...

Un gran saludo y los mejores deseos para el Nuevo Año.
Que sigas con esa gran creatividad y buen gusto en tus trabajos.


Cuchy said...

How sweet, Vicky
Espero que hayas pasado unas Navidades tranquilas con tu familia y que Santa te haya traido todo, todo, todo lo que pediste (o necesitabas jeje)
Thanks so much for your effort on looking for the Ñ
I can give you a list of words with Ñ, just to practice your new finding
Un besazo y Feliz Año (Además, vosotros llegáis al año nuevo antes que nadie)